Rotary Club members and the community of Kingscliff are celebrating 50 years since the club was founded in 1970.  

Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges.

Rotary also connects 1.2 million members across 35,128 clubs in 535 districts from more than 220 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. Whilst Rotary is global it is also very local with 29,852 Rotarians in 1124 clubs across 21 districts in Australia.

Club President Peter Sibilant said it was an incredible milestone and there are many proud ex members around the area, over 50 years, who have given so much time and enthusiasm in raising funds for local, national and international projects.

To celebrate 50 years of serving the community, the Rotary Club of Kingscliff partnered with the Tweed Shire Council to improve facilities at the Ed Parker Rotary Park next to Cudgen Creek. This included an upgrade to park shelter facilities with improved path access, formalised parking areas and a sign to celebrate the 27 visionary charter members of the club.

Rotary Club of Kingscliff Charter Members Tom Grimes and Idwall Richards standing in front of the new Rotary sign at Ed Parker Rotary Park

Pictured with the sign are the two known remaining Charter Members, who are also current club members, Tom Grimes and Idwall Richards.

President Peter Sibilant says, it is incredible that Tom and Idwall are still active members of the club and regularly attend meetings and events. They have both been involved with hundreds of fundraising BBQ’s and many duck races at the creek over the years.  

Thank you Tom and Idwall for your 50 years of selfless service to the community.

The Rotary Club of Kingscliff would also like to acknowledge Tweed Shire Council who partnered with the club to make these improvements possible and Ken Hansen who was a long standing member of the club and recently passed away bequeathing funds to the club for this project.